
So seeing as the new Zombieland movie came out a few weeks ago, I see it fitting to write a review on it here for those thinking about getting out to see it before it leaves theatres. Seeing as it is a movie about an apocalyptic world with zombies, it fit the criteria for this blog just fine.

Zombieland, like i said, is about an apocalyptic world where zombies have taken over and all hell has broken loose, pretty much what you would expect from any zombie infested world. The story follows a character who is going by the name of Columbus, the place he’s trying to get to. The beginning of the story is quite entertaining. Columbus is an awkward teenager, who by living by his rules of experience alone, has somehow survived the zombies. Columbus starts the story off by introducing us into his story and explaining his rules to survival. The funny part about these rules is that they randomly appear again in the story in an ironic, almost predictable way. He then explains that he is on a quest to get to Columbus Ohio to see if his parents are still alive. 

The story then kicks off when Columbus meets up with Tallahassee who is the “bad ass” persona of the movie. Driving an Escalade with a shunt and number 3 painted on the door, drinking whiskey, and  “>weilding many types of crude weapons, Tallahassee is on a quest to find the last twinky left on Earth. Tallahassee and Columbus make some sort of deal and Tallahassee agrees to take him a good ways on his travel.

Eventually, the two run into two sisters in a store who identify themselves as Wichita and Little Rock who are trying to get to an amusement park near Los Angeles which is rumored to be zombie-free. Without giving anything away, the story coincidentally ties the sisters to Tallahassee and Columbus for good times and bad.

After seeing this movie, I walked out of the theatre without the feeling that I had wasted 7 dollars. Ultimately, I’d give this movie an 8 out of 10 for its creativity, crude humor, and its completely entertaining story. The movie uses a combination of all of these to keep the viewer captivated and laughing at the characters on the screen. This is definitely a movie I will be buying when it comes out, and I definitely recommend that anyone who likes crude humor or comedy/action movies go see this film.


But on a completely off topic thought, one question remains. In a place such as zombieland where the zombies are slow and stupid and people kill them with falling pianos, survival wouldn’t be too difficult for people with half a brain.. As I searched for content on the net for my next blog, I came across a statement which was somewhat intriguing.. Someone on another forum said something to the extent of “The idea of a zombie infested world draws many people to it because the idea that killing another human as a zombie without the guilt of murder is appealing.”

Now is something like this just rubbish, or if you take the time to think about it, actually a true statement? And if it is true in a creepy sort of way, is there anything wrong with that? I know I wouldn’t mind dropping pianos on some brainless zombies…

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